Positive stranger

Today I am asked to describe a random encounter with a stranger that stuck out positively to me. I do seem to meet a lot of strangers, and most of them are fairly positive encounters.

For example, earlier this week I stopped off at a bar on my walk home. I stop in at that bar periodically for a beer and to talk to a bartender friend I have there. When he tossed the coaster on the bar, it was fairly close to a brown-haired girl who seemed to have been talking to him for a while.

As I started talking to the bartender, the conversation naturally extended to the stranger. She seemed very positive and friendly to me. I got to know a few things about her. Her name was Kim, and she was only in town for a week on business. She was also a single mom of two kids and lived in Montreal.

The bar there was about to close, but the conversation with her was nice, so I asked her if she wanted to go to another bar. I also asked the bartender if he wanted to go, but he said he wanted to get something to eat, so I suggested a place that serves pizza, and then made him promise to come over after he closed.

As she and I walked over to the bar together, I realized that she just felt very comfortable to be around. We stopped off a couple places on the way because she wanted to take photos, since she had never been to this city before. I took a couple of photos of her on her phone. She seemed very happy.

After a short walk, we got to the other bar and had a couple drinks while my bartender friend finished his pizza. We all then said goodbye and parted ways. I’m sure I will never see her again, which is usually the case with people I meet on business trips or vacation, but she definitely left a positive impression on me. She seemed like my kind of person. I wish I could say that about everyone I know.

Do you meet many strangers? What’s a positive experience you have had with a stranger? Do some people feel like friends upon first meeting? Are there people you wish you had never met? Let me know in the comments, and don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe!

The best compliment

Today’s prompt is what was the best compliment I ever received? This took me a minute. It might be that I don’t get that many compliments, or maybe they just don’t register to me as compliments. I also think people are reluctant to give compliments these days, because they are afraid they will be taken the wrong way. I tend to ignore this rule and compliment people anyway, if I feel like they deserve it.

For instance, last night was St. Patrick’s day and I was talking to a beautiful red-haired Irish girl at a bar, which seemed perfectly appropriate for the holiday. The conversation between us was very engaging and I found that she was well read. We talked mostly about dreams and psychology. The bartender, who also knew this girl, saw how deep we were in conversation and came over to join in. He said, what are you guys talking about? I filled him in a bit, and then I said, it’s just that this girl is so incredibly intelligent. We started talking and the conversation just keeps going deeper and deeper. The girl giggled upon hearing this and smiled at me. She really was very smart and engaging. I gave her a couple book suggestions on the way out.

I think one of the nicest compliments I have ever received came from a very dear friend of mine. She said, Ken, you are a very genuine person. She said this as though it was a pleasant revelation to her. I know she’s had trouble trusting some people. It made me really happy hearing this from her. It meant she trusted I was a good person. I never wanted to let her down after that. If she ever reads this, I hope she knows I miss her so much!

What’s the best compliment you ever received? Do you tend to give compliments? Has anyone called you a genuine person? Did you have a great St. Patrick’s day? Let me know in the comments, and don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe.

The period of hope.

Today, I am asked to describe a phase in life that was difficult to say goodbye to. I believe it started sometime in 2018 and lasted until late 2023. I think of this phase as the period of hope. My life was in pretty bad shape when the period began, but someone came along who gave me hope that things would improve somehow. I just couldn’t figure out how to make the right changes happen without messing a lot of things up for everyone, so I just stalled. I relied entirely on hope, but at least I had that to keep me going.

Sometime in 2023, around the time I paused on my blogging, a couple of events occurred that caused me to lose all the hope I had of a miracle happening. It seemed to have been preceded by a reading of cards, indicating that a new beginning was coming. It was also around the time the person who started this period briefly came back into my life to announce her marriage was a total failure and she had filed for divorce. I think things will keep going and I will be okay, but I don’t have much hope things will correct themselves at this point.

Now, I have the period of drinking and bar patronizing to look forward to. What joy. At least my ability to write convincing characters with severe alcohol problems is maturing rapidly. I also have the bar scene down pat, if I need to incorporate that into a book. I mean, it’s not the first time I’ve heard of writers doing a bit of wine bibbing. Steven King devoted some lines to his experience with it in his book On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft. At least I haven’t taken up smoking yet. I’m mostly just kidding about this (maybe).

It’s not all bad. The period of hope actual made me stressed enough to quit my job and take on a new one. It pretty much doubled my salary. The struggle to pay the rent kind of flew out the window after that, along with all my other money problems. Being able to live large did open up other doorways though, hence the bar hopping. It’s still lonely, but that’s kind of my fault. I can be lonely in a crowded room full of people, if it’s not the right people.

I’m not new to the phases of life, having endured quite a few by now. They all seem like mini lifetimes in themselves, barely having any relation to previous periods, each one with its own distinct personality and habits. I’m just now being introduced to this new one’s personality. Maybe he and I will become great friends by the end. You don’t know until it’s over, whether they will also be difficult to say goodbye to, or you welcome their exit off center stage with a swift kick. I guess we’ll see, but the most concerning thing to me is who I will be when they leave.

What phase did you hate to leave behind? Do phases of life seem to have a distinct personality? Ever have to give up hope on something you wanted badly? Do you struggle with loneliness? How would you describe the current phase of your life? Let us know in the comments, and don’t forget to like and subscribe!

An unexpected life story.

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Three jobs I’d consider if money didn’t matter.

I do sometimes wish I had chosen a different career path, but none of them called to me at the time, and opportunity didn’t knock either. I chose this one because computer programming was really interesting to me when I was young, though it did take me quite a while to break into the career path.

I also don’t know that money is the main reason for being at my current job. It pays pretty well, but the real reason I stick to it is the pension. I don’t want to starve out in my retirement years, and I’ve seen too many people do that. I also don’t trust the market due to societal instability and political involvement. Having a steady income is important to me. I do have money invested though, including two IRAs and a 457(b) account, but those are mainly as a backup plan.

I also don’t really like the idea of having another job. A job means someone else sets the schedule and direction. It also means that in the end, most of the money is going to go to them. That’s just how business works. Hire people, pay them a lot less than you are making, then reap the rewards of their labor.

All this considered, I’d like to have a job where I set the schedule, made all the important decisions, and received most of the income from the enterprise. Below are a few careers I think might allow some of that flexibility.

  1. Writer. If money were no issue, I could put all my creativity to work authoring new books or other works. I might set a schedule, but it would be based on my creative mind, which doesn’t wake up until after lunch. Being able to stay up late would be perfect for me. That’s my favorite time to write things because the world is so quiet. I also think this career would be very satisfying once you get off the ground.
  2. Photography and Film. I think I would enjoy a career related to photography and film. Beauty is all around us, and capturing it in just the right shot or video has always fascinated me. I don’t know this would pay much money, but chasing down beautiful objects and capturing them at just the right moment and angle would be fun. I have always been fascinated by what beauty actually is. It’s hard to define.
  3. Entrepreneur. I’ve thought about this job quiet a few times. It wouldn’t be an easy job, but it has the potential to be very rewarding once the company you start is up and running. It’s one of the main reasons I pursued an MBA. I wanted to know all the ins-and-outs of how a business is run from the ground up. The only problem I had was I couldn’t come up with a product or service that I thought would really sell.

Here’s a few runners up: therapist, bar owner, captain on a yacht, restaurant owner, app developer, private investor, real estate owner, travel blogger.

Would you enjoy any of these jobs? What jobs would you pursue if money were not an issue? What do you think the world would be like if money couldn’t influence decisions? Tell us in the comments, and don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe!

How I celebrate holidays

I don’t have any earth shattering remarks on how I celebrate holidays. I would say most of them are just another day to me. On a few of the big ones, I try to make the rounds and see a few family members who are still alive. Those are the ones that occur close to the end of the year, namely Christmas and Thanksgiving. Holidays were a very exciting part of my life as a kid, but they really don’t stand out very much to me anymore. I am mostly thankful that I don’t have to work through the holidays. It gives me a chance to let go of all the things I have on my mind and actually relax.

Holiday Celebrations

  • New Years – Stay up for the countdown. See the show downtown.
  • Valentines – Don’t even know when it happens.
  • 4th of July – Watch the fireworks display downtown.
  • Christmas – Leave town to visit family. Eat dinner, usually have sweets.
  • Thanksgiving – Leave town to visit family. Eat traditional food.
  • St. Patrick’s Day – Visit an Irish pub. Oh wait, that’s every weekend.

Weekly Celebrations

  • Monday – All day happy hour at one of the cocktail bars downtown, I’m there!
  • Tuesday or Thursday – My favorite days to eat out at a nice restaurant, because they are packed on the weekends.
  • Friday – Visit a few bars downtown, but I’m trying to cut this back so I don’t have a hangover all day Saturday.
  • Saturday – Visit a couple of my favorite bartenders that work at an Irish pub downtown. Play songs I like on the jukebox.

How do you celebrate? What’s your favorite holiday? Do you celebrate during the week? Do you have certain days of the week or month you do something special? Let me know in the comments, and please like, share, and subscribe!

The girl who talked to strangers.

I met her at a bar I used to frequent. I mainly went to this bar because it was within walking distance of my place. It was also the first bar I started going to regularly after moving downtown. It had a good atmosphere and a large selection of draft beer. There was also this dark-haired female bartender working there who was pleasant and fun to be around. Incidentally, both of these girls had the same given name, but they were about as different as night and day.

The bartender was a pale skinny girl with long jet-black hair and a few visible tats on her body. I’d say she was probably one of the most attractive bartenders I’ve met downtown. She had a mild goth vibe but could actually dress in just about anything and make it work for her. I remember she also liked wearing turquoise rings. I believe her coworkers saw her as being somewhat narcissistic, but I didn’t have to work with her professionally. I just know she was always sweet to me, and I found her very likable.

The girl I met in this bar was quite different. She had long curly hair that was dirty blond in color. Some of the people who met her said she favored Jennifer Lawrence. I didn’t immediately see that, but after I heard it said, I could see a little bit of a resemblance. This girl was much tanner than the bartender and spent quite a lot of time at the pool during the Summer, sometimes too much, and came out looking like a lobster.

The fun of people watching

I’m not quite sure how we became introduced, maybe it was the bartender. I know this bartender was quite fond of introducing me to new people, which is one of the reasons I liked her. However it happened, it happened, and I remember we talked about something on the television. The screen was on, but there was no sound, and it might not have even been our native language. As we watched it, we started trying to figure out what was going on just by the actions. Were they having an argument? Was this about to be a romantic scene? We just started guessing and talking about it, and it turned out to be a fun game.

What we were basically doing was people watching characters on TV. At about this point, our conversation turned to the subject of people watching in real life. I had heard this phrase before, and I definitely noticed human behavior, but I don’t ever really remember having an in-depth conversation about it. She apparently had considerable experience with it, and thought it was very entertaining. She said her and her dad used to do it at restaurants when she was growing up. She seemed to have a very good relationship with her dad.

There is definitely ample opportunity to watch people in bars. It’s probably the best place in the world for people watching. There are lots of people, from all walks of life, interacting with each other in a variety of ways. The game is trying to figure out as much as you can about them through mere observation, filling in the gaps with your intuition, and a little bit of imagination. What are they talking about? Where are they from? Did they meet here, or already know each other? Is this a date? How’s the date going? Good or bad? Is there going to be a fight? What’s going to happen next? This was a game we enjoyed that night, and many other nights to come.

Guys on the phone

People watching at the bar wasn’t the only game we played that involved observing human behavior. We often ventured onto the subject of her dating life. She was on a couple of dating apps as I recall, and part of our nightly talk sometimes involved looking at profiles and deciding which guy she should date next, how she should respond to their messages, etc. It honestly felt more like a game at the time than it did dating. I didn’t say anything because it was good fun, but it actually kind of turned me off to see how many poor guys there were chasing after one girl who had lots of other prospects.

She went on dates practically every weekend and sometimes during the week. I’m sure she could easily date a different guy every night of the week if she wanted. She was always excited to tell me all about the date the next time she saw me. Sometimes it would even be the same night. She would be texting me throughout the whole date. If it wasn’t going well, she would make up an excuse to go home, and then go to the bar where I was to have drinks and talk. Sometimes they would text her, telling her good night, and she was actually out on the town.

I remember one night she got such a text while we were looking at her phone together, and I noticed something interesting when she pulled up her message list. There wasn’t even a single guy’s name saved on any of the contacts, and they were all guys she had dated. I remember asking her, how do you know which one is which? She said, I don’t. I have to go back and read a little of the text to remember which date it was. I was shocked by this to be honest, so I had to ask her, am I saved in your contacts? She said yes and pulled it up right there to show me. I said, how long did it take for you to enter my name? She said, oh, I entered it the first night I talked to you. I knew we were just friends, but still, I wanted to know if I was important enough to have my name remembered.

Friendly to the next level

We were in fact, really great friends by that time, and she had also become my perfect drinking companion. She could drink quite a bit and not get drunk, but honestly, most people thought she was drunk just by how she behaved. One time a bartender actually cut her off after like a couple of drinks. They didn’t think it was quite normal for a sober person to be so incredibly friendly. She would literally go around the bar talking to everyone. I’ve never saw anyone so good at striking up a conversation.

One thing I loved about her is that she was a really great ice breaker for me, since I was much shyer at that time. I also felt like she added something to me, something positive. I became more interactive and sociable, especially when she was with me. I also came to appreciate all the people around me. They intrigued me more, and I wanted to know all about them. I wanted to hear all their stories. I started to love conversing with random strangers almost as much as she did.

There were problems with being too friendly in a bar though. She really didn’t seem to have a filter at all. She would talk to anyone around her. I remember there was a bartender at one of the bars that used to try and caution her about this. After she would break the ice that was better left frozen, he would come up to her and say, what did I tell you about stranger danger? He did it with a smile, but I think it was mildly unnerving to him.

We sort of became known at the bars where we went around. Bartenders and patrons alike began to associate us with each other. They saw us talking all the time and started to assume we were a couple or something. Once again, the extreme friendliness seemed to be taboo. On one occasion, a guy actually came up to me when she was in the bathroom and said, how long you guys been married? I was like, since never!

Her positivity and hyper friendliness were great in my opinion, but not everyone appreciated or liked that part of her personality. They instead found her very annoying. I remember she would tell me stories about how some women at work didn’t like her, making it difficult to keep her job. I would hear all about the work drama every time we went out, and she was always looking for a better job.

The relationship with mom

Another thing I noticed was that she seemed to have a bad relationship with her mom. She moved very far away from her hometown, and it sort of became apparent that it was because of her mother. I remember one time she got a call from her mom because she turned on some app, and her mom, many states away, noticed she was at a bar because the app showed her location. Her phone lit up repeatedly after that with text after text, and call after call, until she eventually walked off and called her. She literally came back in tears! She said her mom told her she would never be able to get a good husband like her sister. She also told me that her mom’s best friend told her she should get away from her mother, because the way her mom treated her was not right. I tend to believe this was good advice, seeing the amount of emotional damage her mom’s words caused her.

Her mom probably didn’t intend to hurt her feelings this badly. I feel like she was just a very controlling person. She wanted her daughter to fit in with the people she approved. It was basically a class thing. I might add that this girl’s dad worked for a large bank, and they seemed quite wealthy. Sometimes the best intentions cause the most harm. In my opinion, insults and hurtful words often don’t lead to the expected outcome, because they cause damage that leads to even worse decisions.

The broken tibia

It got to the point where we were having drinks quite often, even during the week. It was really fun, and we met lots of new people every night. Unfortunately, I think it was hard going out drinking every night and going to work the next day. I don’t know if it was the cause, or if it was personality conflicts at work, but she began to have a harder time holding on to her job.

One night I got a text and she said she had an accident. I wasn’t sure what she meant. She said she was at work and just kind of twisted her foot and fell. When she told me this, I was thinking, okay, she sprained her ankle and will have to rest a couple of days. Unfortunately, a relatively small accident caused a lot of damage.

She actually broke her tibia. She said the ER doctors were baffled as to how a slight fall could cause such a bad break. They said they usually only see something like this in a vehicle accident. Luckily, she was at work when it happened, so it was covered by worker’s compensation, but it put even further strain on her already stressed relationship with her employer. She also lived in an apartment that had no elevator, so she decided the best course of action was to move back home until her leg healed. This put her back at her mom’s house many states away, and I honestly wasn’t sure that she would ever come back.

She and I kept in contact by texting now and then. I was mainly checking in to see how she was doing. She usually reported that her leg was healing but her mom was driving her nuts, and she couldn’t wait to go back to her apartment. She did get to see her young niece, and that made her happy, as I recall.

Life in the friend zone

She eventually returned, and we started hanging out again. It was really kind of different when she got back to town. It wasn’t long until they let her go at her job. Because she had a lot less money, she had to let her downtown apartment go. She moved in with one of her friends, but they kind of lived in the suburbs, so she wasn’t able to frequent the downtown bars very easily because they were too far away.

For a while, she would Uber downtown, but that was kind of expensive. I paid for the Uber and her drinks a lot of nights because she was still looking for a job. This raised the suspicion of some people even more that we were in some sort of relationship, but we were really just friends. It was hard for people to wrap their head around, and some people thought she was just using me. I remember there was this one bartender who told me, I’m sorry to say this, but she friend zoned you a long time ago. I was like, you don’t understand, we were always just friends!

The way people perceived us began to really get in the way of our friendship. People didn’t know what to think of it. They were people watching us, but they were getting it all wrong. They saw what they wanted, not what was real, and they couldn’t accept the truth. It felt really gross when someone would insinuate that we were a couple and she would have to say, no, we are just friends. It was the truth, but it made it sound like I wasn’t good enough for her. It got to the point where I would say it first just to keep my pride from being knocked across the room. I’m not sure, but that might have hurt her pride for me saying it. It couldn’t be helped either way though.

Probably the worst blow to our pride came one night when we had a conversation about it. She said she didn’t want to lead me on, and she wasn’t attracted to me. I agreed with her and said I feel the same way, that I wasn’t attracted to her either. It was true, but two people telling each other they are not attracted to each other doesn’t feel very good. I think deep down inside we sort of want to think we are attractive people. Otherwise, we feel like we are ugly. Being open about how we viewed each other’s appearance seemed like we were both slapping each other in the face.

I was utterly confused by the relationship myself and couldn’t figure out how to keep it going as a friendship. We began to see a lot less of each other, but we remained friends. She would occasionally come into town and have drinks on the weekend and catch me up on her life. She really loved telling me all about it.

The Angel Shot

I remember one time I took a ride share out to her neighborhood and we went to a bar to eat and have drinks. We did our people watching thing there and met a group of people. While we were talking to them, they mentioned something about an Angel Shot. This was a new thing for us. Neither one of us knew what this meant at the time. If you haven’t heard of an Angel Shot before, it is a special drink you can order at any bar, and it is supposed to secretly alert the bartender that you are in trouble and need help. Basically, it isn’t a drink at all, but a kind of distress call.

The next day I went downtown to a bar I frequent and one of the bartenders started talking to me. She looked at me funny and said, it’s been such a wild night, someone came in earlier on a date and ordered an Angel Shot. Then the bartender said, in all my years as a bartender, this was the first Angel Shot that anyone has ordered from me.

At this point, all the dots connected. We just found out about the Angel Shot the night before, and she was already putting it to use. I said, this Angel Shot, was it by any chance ordered by the girl I often come in with? She said, yea, I know you and her are very close, and I thought you might know how she’s doing. I said, I don’t know, she hasn’t told me about it yet.

The bartender then told me the story. She said, she came in with a date, and he seemed like a nice guy, kind of shy. There didn’t seem to be any disturbance between them. Then the girl walked up to the bar and ordered the Angel Shot. The bartender said she talked to her privately, and the girl said, the date isn’t going well, and I need to get away.

Since it didn’t look like she was in any danger, the bartender helped her to sneak out of the bar, and she went on to another bar, leaving the date behind. The bartender then told me that her date sat there for a while, waiting for her to come back from the bathroom, which she never did, and so he just walked out. She said he looked disappointed, but not really upset, and she kind of felt sorry for him. Then the bartender told me that she didn’t think she was in any danger. It was just an awkward date, and Angel Shots are supposed to be reserved for dangerous scenarios only.

After this conversation, I texted my friend to see if she had been to that bar recently. She then said, yea, and I have a story to tell you. She met me at the bar later and basically told me the same story. She then admitted that she shouldn’t have ordered the Angel Shot. She just panicked and wanted to get away from the date.

Questionable behavior

Now I should mention that on a few occasions I recall this girl talking about mental health. I believe I should have picked up on something there. She mentioned that everyone struggles with mental health and gets depressed sometimes. It seemed like a casual statement to make, and I agree that life can be quite a struggle, but maybe I should have seen this as a kind of hint for things to come.

After she finished telling me about the date and her escape to another bar, she began talking to me about this new guy she had met. She said she met him at the bar she went to after she escaped the date and told him the whole story. She said he had this strong foreign accent, which really turned her on. Then she said, she usually doesn’t just leave with someone she just met, but she was really into him, so they left together.

This is where the story gets weird. She told me she walked back to his vehicle with him. Then she said, don’t judge me, I know this is weird, but the vehicle he drives looks like a kidnapper van. She then showed me a picture she had taken. It was a plain looking white van and did indeed look like something a perverted kidnapper would drive. She then said, he lives in the van. He’s turned it into a sort of RV and travels all over the country in his van. She said, he has a YouTube channel and posts videos as he travels. At this point, she commenced giving me the graphic details of the wild sex she had with him in the van.

After this story, I was shocked, to say the least. She left what appeared to be a benign timid date at a bar after potentially getting him in trouble with an Angel Shot, and then sneaks off to have crazy sex with someone who could pass for a kidnapper or serial killer. At this point, I was thinking, what are the chances that a videographer is smart enough to hide cameras in his van, then invite girls back to have sex with him and film it? Pretty good I’d say. The weirdest thing was how she said she didn’t want to get her hopes that he would swing back through town. I’m like, nope, he’s not likely to come back.

Making sense of it all

More dots began to connect. She’s constantly meeting new guys and going on dates. All her relationships are very short in nature. She might talk about how great the date is at first, like he’s such a gentleman, then turn on him and see him as bad or arrogant, which also explains why she ordered the Angel Shot. Couple all this behavior with emotional damage from a parent, and it begins to look suspiciously like she is dealing with a personality disorder.

I’ve had some experience with this type of disorder before, but I really didn’t see it in her at first. After this last wild story, I decided I should at least let her know that she might need therapy. This didn’t go over well. She got mad at me for even suggesting it. Eventually, she got over her anger with me, and I think she realized I was just trying to help. That being said, it was probably the last time I really talked to her, other than an occasional hello when I see her.

Even though we don’t talk anymore, I will always see her as a great friend and a wonderful person. I’m glad I met her. She made me much more socially capable. I owe her for that. I wish her the best, and I hope she never crosses paths with someone truly dangerous.

Mental health is a very serious subject. I have struggled with depression myself, and I know people who are fighting battles in their mind that we can’t even imagine. I hope we remember to treat everyone we meet with kindness, because we never really know what that person is going though. God Bless!

Possible discussion ideas

  1. Have you ever tried people watching?
  2. Are dating apps good or bad?
  3. Do girls find it much easier to get dates?
  4. Do you think being too friendly is dangerous?
  5. Is it hard for guys and girls to just be friends?
  6. Ever heard of an Angel Shot?
  7. How important is good parenting to mental health?
  8. Do you know anyone with a personality disorder?

Let me know what you think in the comments, and don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe!

The professional athletes I respect.

Honest truth, I am not a sports fan. When I think of professional athletes, almost no one comes to mind. For some reason, this is hard for me to admit. I hide this detail about myself around people, like I’m almost ashamed of it, but sports really mean nothing to me. Just saying this makes me feel like I’m not a cool person. I know it’s a big part of popular culture, but it’s just not something I care about at all.

I once told someone that I wasn’t into sports, and then when the game was on, and someone asked me about it, this person would answer for me and say, oh, he doesn’t like sports! Rubbing it in like that made me feel like a total outcast, which I probably am to sports fanatics. I guess you have to find the right crowd.

I honestly don’t understand why someone would sit there for hours and watch a game on television. It bores me to death! Last night I was at a bar, and they had a game on, football I believe. I thought about walking out. I wanted to just leave and find some place where people were talking or there was music playing.

I don’t even like being around people who are watching sports. They get all into it sometimes, and I feel absolutely nothing. To me, it’s just a bunch of people throwing a ball around or running up and down a field or court, a pointless endeavor at best, at least in my mind. If they ask me anything at all about the game or the players, I’m basically speechless, and that’s not a good feeling, but I’m still not going to invest enough time on the subject to be knowledgeable.

Are you a sports fan? What’s your favorite sport? Do you get into the game? What athlete do you respect the most? Do you feel weird going against popular culture? Ever find yourself in a situation where you feel like an outcast? Let me know in the comments, and don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe!

Getting hugged by a girl I just met.

I walked into the crowded bar and began trying to find my way to the end because I saw an empty seat down there. Most of the people at the bar were congregating in a big huddle at the center of the bar, forcing me to squeeze through with a lot of excuse me, excuse me, coming through. They parted to let me pass, but I seemed to go unnoticed otherwise, because they were way too busy with their conversations and merry making.

When I got to the vacant bar seat, I noticed there was a girl sitting at the corner of the bar where no one really wants to sit because it doesn’t face the bartenders. It faces the whole length of the bar. She was just sitting there by herself, and there was one seat between us. Unlike the other bar attendees, this girl did notice me, almost immediately.

Shortly after I sat down, she began to strike up a conversation. There was some back and forth talk between us, and then she said, taste this, and pushed her drink toward me. This wasn’t the first time I had been asked to taste someone’s drink. I know the drill, sip from the lip, not the straw, and the alcohol will kill the germs anyway.

The thing that surprised me though, was that I had only said a handful of words to this girl, and she was already treating me like her BFF. I must admit, I kind of loved that about her. Honestly, I wish I met someone like her every time I walked into a bar. Friendly people are the best kind of people in the world. I sort of had a similar feeling about her also. It was like I knew her my whole life or something.

To my surprise, her husband then came out of the bathroom and sat in the stool between us, which I guess had been his seat all along. This had no real effect on the conversation though, which was kind of refreshing. I guess I’ve seen way too many jealous men in my life. I introduced myself to him of course.

He was a very quiet guy and I found out he was a programmer, but mostly I learned that from the girl, as she was the talkative one. She told me they both had the same degree, but he made way more money. She said it was because he was a brilliant programmer, and she was more in sales. I remember he mentioned they thought about starting a business together.

Pleasant conversation went back and forth for a while, and she ordered another drink, and of course she pushed it over for me to taste. I was starting to think this was her thing. She wanted a drinking buddy. I tasted it using the same method described earlier and said, tastes pretty good. She seemed pleased by my answer and smiled.

At some point, she mentioned that she used to party a lot and one time she met this guy who lived downtown like me. He took her to a bar, but she couldn’t remember the name of it. After she described it to me, I told her there’s only one bar like that around here. I told her the name of the bar and she started searching for it on her phone’s map. She told her husband something and I saw him enter it into his Uber app. They then worked on their drinks until the driver arrived.

He walked out earlier, and he sort of left her behind for a few minutes. I thought it was sort of peculiar that they didn’t walk out together, definitely not the characteristic of a jealous person. She finished off her last drink and walked around beside me. She told me how great it was talking to me, and I could come with them if I wanted. I declined because it wasn’t my kind of bar.

At this point, based on her body language and the fact that she was just standing there beside me, I came to the conclusion that she wanted me to give her a goodbye hug. I obliged her by standing up and giving her a nice affectionate hug, which seemed to make her very happy, and then she was off, maybe to never to be seen again in this lifetime.

You may have noticed that I like to write about encounters like this one. I don’t know why, but I feel like they are important. I left the bar that night feeling pretty good about life. She gave that to me. Sometimes, a person just acknowledging you exists can make your day. She gave me her full attention, and at the end, she insisted on sharing some affection. People like her make life beautiful.

Possible discussion ideas.

  1. Ever been hugged by someone you just met?
  2. Ever met someone and it feels like you already knew them?
  3. Do you think acknowledging someone can improve their outlook?
  4. Would the world be better or worse with more affection?
  5. Can you pick your friends or is there a deeper connection?
  6. Ever shared a drink with someone?
  7. Ever seen or been in a jealous relationship?
  8. Are you good at reading body language?

Let me know what you think in the comments, and don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe!

One habit that brings me joy.

Sometimes, when you make me focus on something, like a word for instance, ideas and feelings start to surface that I didn’t know I even had. It makes me realize that we know so much more than we think we know, and feel so much more than we express, or even can express. It’s almost like knowledge itself grows fractally within our mind, filling out the empty void, filling in every gap, creating a whole universe if we let it, and all we have to do is meditate on one idea.

Joy is one such word for me. Just contemplating it brings me into its cosmos briefly, and I wish I could live there. Unfortunately, I have only rarely visited the place it creates, seen the stars in its heaven, felt the cool water of its brooks, and smelled its fresh flower-scented air blowing across my face in its breeze, always triggered by this occurrence or that, but never a permanent conjuration. Joy, to me, is beauty in one of its purest invocations, and like beauty, it is gauzy and ephemeral, slipping right through your net when you try to capture it and tie it down, and if I can’t even hold on to it, how could I ever turn it into a habit?

After leaving the trance state… Lol!

To me, joy is something that is occasionally triggered by an event that is largely out of my control. Basically, a habit is something I control, and joy is something that is triggered by something or someone. If something did give me joy, and I started doing it habitually, the joy it brought would eventually either fade, or only happen every now and then.

A habit is also something I don’t really think about. It is something I’ve programmed my body to do for me, so I can think of other things. I’m aware of a practice called mindfulness that seeks to make you conscious of the things you are doing at the moment, but that really doesn’t call to me. Honestly, a lot of the time I am on autopilot, living in my head, and the world around me shut out.

Maybe I’m over thinking it. If you’ve been here a while you know I do that occasionally. It’s just that joy is a profound feeling for me. It’s like an explosion of happiness inside me! I suppose there are a few things that happen regularly, maybe habitually, that are deeply satisfying, though I wouldn’t classify them as joyous. I’ll try to list a few.

  1. Making and drinking lattes. I love coffee!
  2. Meeting someone new; you can make a habit of it.
  3. Communicating with people I like.
  4. Going downtown for a drink.
  5. Going to bed every night.
  6. Going home from work.
  7. Making tea in my teapot.
  8. Reading and writing things.
  9. Finding beautiful things to see.
  10. Talking to God every night.

Discussion Prompts

  1. What does joy feel like to you? Is it intense?
  2. Is there a difference between joy and happiness?
  3. Do you think joy is something you can capture or control?
  4. Do you think knowledge is fractal and ever growing?
  5. Are you on autopilot during the day?
  6. Do you practice mindfulness?
  7. Do I overthink? Do you?

Let’s talk about it in the comments! Please remember to like, share, and subscribe!