My secret skills

Today’s question is what’s a secret skill or ability I have or wish I had? I have quite a few skills, but I don’t know that any of them are secret. I’ve used most of them openly in school and at work.

My secret ability

There is an ability I have that I don’t say much about. I can often see through people’s schemes, but I usually don’t tell them about it. Basically, there are many instances where I can perceive that a person is lying to me about their true intentions. I often play along and feign naivete, but I am secretly thinking out how to neutralize anything harmful. Telling them I know would just give them the upper hand, and possibly make them angry. It makes me sad when I see someone do this though, as it means they are not truly my friend. They are a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Luckily, most people are not nefarious like this, but I am still forced to keep my guard up at all times, and that can be tiring.

Wishful thinking

I can think of one ability I wish I had, but it might be more like a superpower. I wish I could be someone else. An example happened last night. I saw a group of people that I sort of wanted to blend in with, but I intuitively knew they were not the type of people who would naturally desire my company. I wish I was the type of person who could just blend in with anyone I wanted. I think this would be the greatest skill you could ever master, but I’m a long way from that presently.

On the reverse of that, I am sometimes approached by types who aren’t really good for me. I’m always nice, but I know there is no growth potential there for either of us. It’s an odd predicament. If only I could wake up tomorrow as the right kind of person. Of course, this might break the synchronicity I have with some people who do make my life better. Acquiring and keeping the right people in your life is really hard work.

What secret ability do you have? What ability do you wish you had? Can you see through people’s schemes? Do you sometimes play naive? Do you ever wish you were a different person? Would you like the ability to blend in with anyone you choose? Let me know in the comments, and don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe! Thanks for being here!

What name do you think I look like?

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