My go-to comfort food.

What’s my go-to comfort food? Is beer a food? Just kidding. I think when most people think of comfort food, they envision something loaded with sugar and carbs, but I tend to eat a low carb diet for health reasons. I do occasionally splurge because I love going out to restaurants.

One food I eat that I think increases my comfort is yogurt. Good yogurt contains live probiotic cultures which help keep the gut in good shape. I avoid all yogurt that has added sugar. I also don’t really need any flavoring or fruit added, because I have always liked the taste of yogurt. The kind of yogurt I purchase is Greek yogurt. I like this type because it is high in protein, which I think is pretty important.

The brand I usually buy is called FAGE. They have different versions of their Greek yogurt distinguished by fat percentage from 0% to 5%. I always get the one with 5% fat because it tastes the best to me. It is also labeled gluten free, which is important to me.

Now, why would I say yogurt is a comfort food? The live bacteria in yogurt and other probiotic foods actually help the body to make serotonin. Serotonin is what makes you feel good and leads to happiness. If you didn’t have enough of this, it would probably cause severe depression and a variety of other mental health issues. If you aren’t feeling your happiest today, maybe you should give yogurt a try. After all, nothing is more comforting than happiness.

An estimated 95% of the body’s serotonin is produced in the gut. Beneficial bacteria found in the gut (probiotics) secrete substances used in the creation of serotonin.

Emily Brown, MPH / Verywell Health

I eat yogurt pretty much every day, but I don’t consume a large quantity. It’s usually just a few tablespoons per day. I used to eat it in larger quantities though. It was probably just my imagination, but I remember one time I ate a whole lot of it, and a little while later I had this very interesting feeling come over me. I felt so happy and relaxed, and it almost made me feel giggly inside. I slept so well that night. I’m not sure if the large amount of yogurt triggered a serotonin spike, but the feeling was positively amazing!

What comfort foods do you enjoy? Do you like yogurt and other probiotic foods? What are other ways to make yourself happier? Let me know down below, and don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe!

What is exciting about the future.

From a personal perspective, the thing I am most excited about for the future is that one day I will be able to retire, and hopefully have enough time to enjoy other pursuits. I entered the workforce at a young age and have been employed almost continuously since exiting high school. The time horizon for retirement isn’t anywhere near, but it is in the future somewhere, and I’m looking forward to it.

One of the things I am most excited about for the future is what technology can potentially bring to humanity. We are at a crossroads, and I suppose humanity has always been at a crossroads, but this one seems a bit different. It appears that in the next few years robotics and AI will have the potential to take over almost all the manual jobs, and maybe most advanced jobs.

This technology could lead to total chaos, or usher in a new golden age where people are freed up to actually live as human beings. I’m hoping for the later. I’m also hoping that people actually know what to do with themselves. Up until now, I believe most people have primarily been supporting the systems that keep us alive. I’m hoping that when these systems are automated, people will turn to creative and positive pursuits.

I do believe this transition is going to be a bumpy road for humanity. People do not do change well. Politics and greed can also drag us down a very dark path and the technology that is evolving has the potential of being used for very evil purposes. This could bring on a horrific long-lasting dark age or an end to humanity.

Agree or disagree? What do you think the most exciting thing is going to be? Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share!

Delicious foods I have eaten.

I frequent restaurants and bars, so I have tasted a lot of great food. There are so many amazing places to eat in the city where I live! I will share with you what I had tonight. It was at a small local restaurant. I had their spaghetti and meatballs. It was quite delicious! I honestly don’t eat a lot most days, but sometimes I can’t resist. One of my good friends works here, but she was not working tonight. Maybe I will see her next time. Hope the pics don’t make you too hungry!

What about you? What is your favorite cuisine? Is there a lot of great food where you live? Are you a good cook? Let me know in the comments, and don’t forget to like and subscribe!

How to waste your time.

Time is the most precious commodity and should never be wasted, but I do think most people waste a lot of time, or at least they think they do. It really comes down to the question, what is time wasted? It’s really a personal preference as to what constitutes time well spent or time wasted.

The enjoyable moments of the day are the only ones that are not wasted.

For me, the enjoyable moments of the day are the only ones that are not wasted. You have to do a lot of things that are unenjoyable, but those things are just a means to an end. You do them because they are necessary, but they are not really where you want to spend your time. Those are the moments I wish I could reclaim.

There’s also a lot of time wasted on life maintenance. I know I have to go to work, but I don’t see it as time well spent. It just pays the bills. Likewise, taking out the trash and mowing the lawn were all hours lost as far as I’m concerned, but if I hadn’t done them, the yard would have been overgrown and every room of the house would have been brimming with smelly garbage. Basically, the material world is high maintenance and will waste a lot of your time, but there’s nothing you can do about it.

Some days, I will have to interact with a person that I really don’t care to be around.

One other thing entered my mind that I honestly think is probably the biggest waste of time. Some days, I will have to interact with a person that I really don’t care to be around. I hate to say such a thing, but really, it’s true. Usually, it’s someone who is totally arrogant and self-important. I also don’t care for people who play favorites or show extreme bias. They will just drain me completely. If I have to spend too many hours with these people, I will feel completely exhausted by the end of the day, and probably have a migraine.

To be honest, I also occasionally get the feeling that certain individuals would prefer to not be around me. I hope it’s for different reasons though. There’s really a lot of reasons people don’t like each other. Sometimes it’s because they don’t like how you look, or maybe your personality doesn’t entertain their ego. I have also spent a lot of time and energy trying to correct these relationships, which is just another waste of time. I have found that only certain people will like you, and it’s usually not your fault, nor is there an easy way to change it. Birds of a feather flock together.

Ultimately, what I’m trying to say is that the time least wasted is the time you spend with your special people, doing the things that you enjoy doing the most. All the other hours are used to help you get to those moments and sustain them as long as possible.

Thanks for giving me a few moments of your precious time! I sincerely hope it was enjoyable, and therefore not a waste of your time. If so, then it wasn’t a waste of my time to write it.

Do you know anyone who really drains you? What makes you really want to be around someone? Do you think attraction plays a part? Is arrogance a turn off? Do certain people make you really happy when they are around? Let me know in the comments, and don’t forget to like and subscribe!