What is exciting about the future.

From a personal perspective, the thing I am most excited about for the future is that one day I will be able to retire, and hopefully have enough time to enjoy other pursuits. I entered the workforce at a young age and have been employed almost continuously since exiting high school. The time horizon for retirement isn’t anywhere near, but it is in the future somewhere, and I’m looking forward to it.

One of the things I am most excited about for the future is what technology can potentially bring to humanity. We are at a crossroads, and I suppose humanity has always been at a crossroads, but this one seems a bit different. It appears that in the next few years robotics and AI will have the potential to take over almost all the manual jobs, and maybe most advanced jobs.

This technology could lead to total chaos, or usher in a new golden age where people are freed up to actually live as human beings. I’m hoping for the later. I’m also hoping that people actually know what to do with themselves. Up until now, I believe most people have primarily been supporting the systems that keep us alive. I’m hoping that when these systems are automated, people will turn to creative and positive pursuits.

I do believe this transition is going to be a bumpy road for humanity. People do not do change well. Politics and greed can also drag us down a very dark path and the technology that is evolving has the potential of being used for very evil purposes. This could bring on a horrific long-lasting dark age or an end to humanity.

Agree or disagree? What do you think the most exciting thing is going to be? Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share!

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I see myself as a free thinker, life explorer, and wisdom collector. Some of my favorite subjects are psychology, philosophy, relationships, society, reading, writing, technology, and lifestyle. My goal in life is to connect with people, make the world a little better, and improve the lives of those I meet along the way.

7 thoughts on “What is exciting about the future.”

    1. Your not wrong. It’s strange to see even fast food places have let people go around here. It’s all computerized. Which actually worries me about the future financially.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. That is a very real concern! I can see why a lot of people are afraid. I don’t think we can stop the progress of technology though. If we don’t do it, someone else will. It’s the price we pay for staying ahead in a competitive world. Thanks for sharing!

      Liked by 1 person

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