The Great Resignation.

After the pandemic, my organization lost a lot of people because they had grown accustomed to working from home. It was called the Great Resignation. There were many people stating reasons for why it happened, but every exit interview had the same response. They wanted to work from home like they did during the pandemic, and my organization was too slow to react on a work from home policy.

During the pandemic, I distinctly remember people talking about the new normal. Everyone assumed that they would just continue working remotely from now on, and many of them simply loved it. They could spend more time at home, where they were most comfortable. If they had a family, they got to spend more time with them. They could also just roll right out of bed and log in, as opposed to going through all the motions to get ready for work, then do the dreaded commute, only to wade through office politics and deal with an occasional unfriendly coworker.

Congratulations, you’ve lost everyone you needed to keep.

At the time of the mass exodus, I happened to be the supervisor over quite a few people who left for better opportunities. My department was almost literally reduced to zero. As each person left, one of the managers under me would tell me, you’ll be fine because so and so is here, don’t lose him! Eventually, we got down to that one person, and out of fear he also turned in his two weeks’ notice, because he didn’t want to be the last man standing. That’s when my manager, who had also already turned in his two weeks, made a rather astounding statement that stuck in my head to this day. He said, congratulations, you’ve lost everyone you needed to keep.

I persevered through all the resignations. It wasn’t easy. I had to mitigate a lot of demands that were placed on my department until we could get back on our feet. I was fortunate that most people were understanding of the situation. I posted a lot of positions, and did countless interviews, all while trying to keep the lights on. I eventually rebuilt an incredible new department from the ground up, hiring everyone myself, and helping them all to get up on their feet.

This is my experience with the Great Resignation. It was hard, but I made it through fine. I may have even built my department back better than it was before. There’s still that phrase left over in my head though. Congratulations, you’ve lost everyone you needed to keep.

I realize now why those words are so burned into my mind. In my life outside of work, I actually did lose the person that I needed to keep the most. They were very special to me. I can never replace them. No matter how good I am as a leader, I can’t fix this situation. I still need them more than anything. The only thing I can really do is pray they one day return to me safely.

Did you experience the Great Resignation where you work? Do you like working from home? What would you have done in my leadership role? Have you ever lost someone that you desperately needed to keep? Let me know in the comments, and please remember to like, share, and subscribe!

The Lost Souls

Having a religious background, I remember hearing people talk about lost sheep growing up. I know there’s a scripture about it also, where it says that God is unwilling to have a single soul perish. It also says that you are so important to him that he even knows how many hairs you have on your head. I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately.

I’ve lost people in a variety of ways, some though death, and some because of other life circumstances. I’m also sure I’ll continue to lose people. It’s just a matter of time really. That’s just how life goes but it is so incredibly heartbreaking. I simply don’t want to do it anymore!

I also know there are so many people in this world. I could never meet them all. For every person I lose, I could probably gain ten if I wanted, but this isn’t as satisfying as it sounds. I’m so concerned about that one soul I lost!

I am like God looking for his lost sheep. I know there’s a flock around me, but you are lost from me. I can’t tell if you are in danger. I don’t even know where you are right now. I am so filled with worry about you that I can’t sleep some nights.

This is because deep down, I know there will never be another you. Your soul is yours and yours alone. No one else in the whole world has that soul. It is uniquely you. You cannot be disconnected from it, but I can be disconnected from you, and the pain of losing you is so unbearable!

I know if I lose you, I may never find you again in this big universe, and there is absolutely no replacement for you in all of time and space. You are more precious than all the gold in the world, because you are utterly rare. I just wish you could see that and not wander or leave, because I need you! Because I love you!

This is why I know I was not made for this world. I am a soul that was made for eternity. I don’t want to meet a person, come to love them deeply, and then just lose them! It damages my own soul every time that happens. I just don’t see how any of this could be normal or healthy. We should not lose each other, not ever!

Each night I pray, that my precious lost soul returns, because I need them beside me forever. Amen.

My Best Friend

A few years ago, I met the most wonderful girl I have ever known, or maybe ever will know. At the time I was living in a RV trailer, and I was going through one of the roughest periods of my life. It was probably the closest I have ever come to an existential crisis. Depressed and lonely, I just wanted someone to talk to, someone who might somehow understand what I was going through and help me piece my life back together. Unfortunately, there wasn’t anyone in my life I could really talk to about it. They just didn’t understand. What I needed was a complete stranger who could understand me, and I found way more than I could have ever imagined.

I first met her on an app I had downloaded that connected you with random people. We didn’t even see each other’s face at first. We just talked, and honestly, it was the best first conversation I have ever had with anyone. There were no facial or bodily appearances to distract us, and since we didn’t know each other, there was no preconceived notion of what the other person was like. It was just like two souls meeting for the first time.

She wasn’t the first person I had seen on the app, but she was the only one that made a real connection with me. I think we both made each other very happy. I felt like that from the very beginning. As I remember it, much of the conversation was just us giggling as we shared things about our lives with each other. I think that means something. I wasn’t in the happiest period of my life, and I don’t think she was either, but while we talked it felt like all was right with the world.

Then, after quite a long time talking, the app just cut us off or something. We lost each other! We had not exchanged any form of contact, so it was just over. I felt sad, but there didn’t seem to be anything I could do, but I did feel happy knowing that I had actually met someone very special, someone who really seemed to understand me. I believe I slept well that night for the first time in a while.

On a couple other nights, I remember trying the app again, but it didn’t connect me with anyone interesting really, and then something really amazing happened! On one fateful night, she and I happened to once again be using the app at the exact same time and it reconnected us! We were both so happy! I remember she said, I’m getting your contact information this time before it kicks us off, and we did! I gave her my messaging contact, and we had another night of talking, mixed with considerable giggling. It felt like it was some sort of miracle that we reconnected, and I honestly think it was! We both needed each other, and the universe decided to give in and make it happen.

She was the best part of my day for most of 2019. I will always remember that year because that was her year. We were constantly messaging each other and sharing what we were doing during the day. We got to know all about each other’s life. I also remember we sent so many pictures back and forth of the things we saw each day. These were usually place or animal pictures. She has a big heart and really loves animals. We also starting reading books together and discussing them. She was an avid reader like me. It was another thing we had in common. Every day, I remember I would message her and ask if she wanted to talk that night, and she would always say, yes! I can’t describe how much better she made my life.

Near the end of 2019, we had a little trouble, and she didn’t like me that much, but we never really stopped talking. She meant too much for me to just walk away. I can’t even convey what she meant to me in words. I remember I even wrote her a handwritten letter and mailed it to her, but I later found out it was lost in the mail. I remember I shed a few tears writing that one, and it might have had some stains on it. It was a really rough period of time, but we later got back on track. I remember she called me, and we sort of made up. That call made me so happy! I was so glad to have my best friend back!

I know she has gone through hard times, and she struggles with things that many people take for granted. I pray for her every night. She means so much to me! It is the most unconditional love I have ever experienced in my life. I will never abandon her, and I would do anything to help her. I hope she knows that! Honestly, I owe it to her. She is how I survived to be here today.

In July of this year, with her birthday fast approaching, I messaged her about a birthday present I wanted to buy her. She said she wasn’t worth it, but I told her she was. She responded with maybe, and that’s honestly the last message I received from her. Five years of being in contact and now nothing for almost two months. I am so worried something’s wrong! If she reads this, I want her to know that she doesn’t have to do this alone! Her true friends will always be there!

Please just say hey and let me know you are alright! You’re my best friend!

The positive emotion I feel most often.

I feel a lot of emotions but most of them are not very positive to be honest. I can tell you about one of the most positive emotions I feel, but it doesn’t happen that much these days.

A few years back, I would get a call every night from a very special friend. I was in a really bad part of my life, and this was the thing I looked forward to the most. We talked about our day, shared events from our lives, and read books together and talked about them.

I don’t know how to describe this feeling, but it was very positive. I tried to describe it to her, but words didn’t quite convey the feeling. I don’t think there is a word for this emotion honestly. I also remember I tried really hard to make her happy. She was such a wonderful person inside.

I don’t get many calls from her anymore. We are both sort of trapped by our own lives and can’t escape very easily. I think escape is really on both of our minds a lot. The sad thing is I think we really made each other happy. I pray every night that one day we will find a way to resume this conversation. It was one of the most positive emotions I have felt in many years, maybe in my whole life.

Discussion Possibilities

  1. Have you had this kind of positive emotion?
  2. Do you have an name for this emotion?
  3. Ever feel like you are trapped by circumstances?
  4. Do you feel drawn to make some people happy?
  5. Why can’t life turn out perfectly?
  6. What’s your most positive emotion?

Can’t wait to hear your thoughts! Thanks for being here! Please like, share, and subscribe!

The purpose of life is loving someone who deserves it.

I don’t want to forget you, not ever. It makes no sense to me. You made my life complete. I loved the conversations we had, the books we read together, the ideas we shared, the similarity of our circumstances, but most of all I loved that odd feeling that you and I somehow belonged together. I dreamed of a never ending stream of memories yet to be made, of the adventures we would go on, of beautiful things we would see together and comment on, and how we would help each other through all the rough stuff life throws at us. Sometimes I believe the meaning of life is loving someone who really deserves it. I never met anyone who deserved it more, but seem to have had so little of it. I wanted to make sure the rest of your life was not like that.

If you’ve ever had this feeling about someone, tell me in the comments, and don’t forget to like and subscribe. There’s a lot more to come.

You can’t replace them.

I met her online. I interact with a lot of people online, so I didn’t expect this to be any different. I figured we would exchange a few messages, run out of things to say, then just wonder off, not even remembering each other’s name a week later. It didn’t turn out like that though. It lasted over four years.

She became the best friend I ever had during the worst part of my life, and I think it was the same for her. Sometimes I used to think, she must have a really boring life if she reads all the things I write to her, but she remembered every word. Thank goodness she was there. There are no words to describe how much this meant to me. I know I couldn’t have made it through without her. I owe her more than I even have.

I think I gave something back to her also, something that was missing in her life. That’s why people stick around I think. She once told me, you are an odd person in my life, most people are too much for me, and I could just walk away, but you are always nice to me, and so I keep coming back. She wouldn’t say it, but I think she really liked me too.

I think she is gone now. The daily back and forth of chat messages has stopped. I remember she once said she hoped it never came to an end, but just go on forever. I said, me too. I’m not even sure what happened really. She may have misinterpreted something in a text, which is easy to do, or maybe something worse happened.

She once joked that no one would miss her if she was gone, maybe I would miss her, but I wouldn’t even know what happened, because I lived so far away. She was right about that. I think about her every day. Maybe one day I won’t think about her anymore, but I don’t want that to happen. I don’t want to move forward without her in my life. I want to backtrack, figure out what happened, apologize if I have to, and just keep this going, forever.

They tell me the world is a big place. I meet new people everyday, online and otherwise, so it must be so. I know I could start up a chat with someone right now if I wanted. I would like to think it would be the same thing but I know it wouldn’t. She was not like anyone else. There was only one of her in the 8 billion people on this planet. She was actually very special and unique, and for that reason, very precious. I wish I could have made her understand this. I wish I could tell her, that she was irreplaceable.

If you know what I mean, hit like, or maybe share, or tell me about it in the comments, and thanks for reading.

Only certain people.

It’s funny how certain phrases stick in your head long after they are said. They encapsulate a kind of wisdom, understanding, or feeling very succinctly and you find yourself returning to them years later as a reference point for the concept. We seem to be predisposed to doing this so it will probably come as no surprise.

One such phrase that stuck in my head is “only certain people.” One summer day I was driving through a local fast-food restaurant that served Mexican food and I was met with a positively stunning young lady who took my order. I was completely taken aback. Her face was about as perfect as I could possibly imagine a girl having and she had curly blond hair and wore Harry Potter style glasses. She smiled at me and looked almost jumpy with excitement, and I had no idea why. In fact, she might have actually jumped a little with joy now that I come to think of it. Anyway, I ordered an iced tea and drove on out.

The next day I came through again, ordering the same thing. I was going through an iced tea phase, I think. She was again working the window and was looking just as happy to see me as the first time and this time she actually called me by name. It kind of shocked me that she remembered me so well after only seeing me one time, and I’m sure she saw tons of people driving past that window, so I asked her, how did you remember me? Do you remember everyone? She looked up a minute and replied “no, only certain people.” This stuck in my head to this day, and I will probably remember her the rest of my life. Why? Do I remember everyone? No, only certain people.

The point of this is simple. You are very memorable to someone. They will remember you from almost the first time you meet them. For some reason, you just make them very happy and excited. They like you. They may see a hundred people that day who make zero impression on them, but you are somehow special to them, and they have no idea why. This is also true of you. There was probably a stream of people who crossed your path today that were totally invisible to you.

In my opinion, these are your people. You should try to get to know them. They will likely become good friends because there is a kind of chemistry between you and them. Nothing happens by chance. Everything that happens is meant to be, but you have to have the courage to act on it. These are the golden opportunities you have for making a connection with someone, and who knows what amazing adventure awaits the two of you.

Anyway, I still remember her, and I bet she still remembers me. Maybe one day we will cross paths again. I hope so.

Note: The picture of the girl in this post is completely AI generated.

Have you met anyone who made an incredible first impression on you? Do certain people stand out to you and other people invisible? Do you believe in love at first sight? Do you believe in the concept of soulmates? Let me know in the comments, and don’t forget to like and subscribe!