What I could try for the first time.

There are many things I could try. The question is would I try them. I could, for instance, go skydiving. There’s a very good reason why I haven’t tried that yet. It’s because I would die of a heart attack before I reached the ground. It wouldn’t even be a pleasant experience for me. I don’t even like standing near the ledge of a tall building. I can’t imaging the feeling of not having a railing to grip. I can’t say I haven’t been a thrill seeker. I have done so pretty exciting things, but falling a long distance just doesn’t call to me.

  1. Travel to a place I’ve never been. There are plenty of places across the globe I have never been. I could go there. Nothing is stopping me except making time to do it.
  2. Try an exotic delicacy. I could try some type of food that most people haven’t. I might have to travel to get to it, but that’s certainly possible.
  3. Eat raw sushi. I’ve had some forms of sushi, but I’ve never had raw sushi. I could do this of course, but I’m not a big fan of sushi in general.
  4. Go rock climbing. I used to climb trees when I was young, but I’ve never climbed something steep enough to require climbing equipment.
  5. Go skiing. I have never been snow skiing. It might be fun, provided I can do it without breaking any bones, which I’ve heard happens to people a lot.
  6. Go on a cruise. I’ve never been on a cruise ship. I’ve heard it’s fun. I have thought about it a couple of time, but just haven’t made any arrangements.

What could you try? Have you done any of these things? What things would you never try? Let us know in the comments, and please like, share, and subscribe!

The first time I felt like a grownup.

The first time I felt like a grownup was probably around puberty. Technically, that’s when all animals become an adult, though we humans tend to associate adulthood with a time when you are finished with your schooling. In my opinion, this causes a lot of problems in our society and is a burden on many parents who support their children way past the time they are children.

To me, it feels like the age of adulthood increases slightly every year. It seems like it used to be roughly eighteen, as that was when people graduated high school. I think I read somewhere that during the Middle Ages people were moving out and starting families before the age of fourteen. These days, it’s not that easy to get a good job with just a high school diploma, so the age has increased to somewhere in the mid to late twenties, depending on whether or not you know what you want to be when you grow up.

There were a lot of biological changes that began happening to me around the time of adulthood, including more hair, occasional acne, deeper voice, etc. Those changes made me feel like I was slowly becoming a different person, and I didn’t really like that to be honest. It was also a time when I began to think about girls a lot more often, though I had really always liked girls.

I think the biggest change I remember was in how people started seeing me. I was no longer this cute little kid running around playing with his toys. I think they began to see me in a more competitive way, like I was a burden or someone standing in their way. This was especially true when there was a girl involved. They had to show off in front of her to get her attention.

Unfortunately, I’m not someone who cares to compete with people. I never wanted to beat anyone. I just wanted to play like I had always done. I guess that’s the thing I hated most about adulthood. People began to see me as another ugly man who was in the way of getting what they want. To be honest, I think childhood was the only time in my life when I could truly be myself. It feels like home to me.

When did you start feeling like an adult? Do you think it takes longer to grow up these days? What age do you think a person becomes an adult these days? What age should it be? Did people’s attitude seem to change after you reached puberty? Was this a difficult part of your life? What do you like better, childhood or adulthood? Let us know in the comments, and please like, share, and subscribe!