What I could try for the first time.

There are many things I could try. The question is would I try them. I could, for instance, go skydiving. There’s a very good reason why I haven’t tried that yet. It’s because I would die of a heart attack before I reached the ground. It wouldn’t even be a pleasant experience for me. I don’t even like standing near the ledge of a tall building. I can’t imaging the feeling of not having a railing to grip. I can’t say I haven’t been a thrill seeker. I have done so pretty exciting things, but falling a long distance just doesn’t call to me.

  1. Travel to a place I’ve never been. There are plenty of places across the globe I have never been. I could go there. Nothing is stopping me except making time to do it.
  2. Try an exotic delicacy. I could try some type of food that most people haven’t. I might have to travel to get to it, but that’s certainly possible.
  3. Eat raw sushi. I’ve had some forms of sushi, but I’ve never had raw sushi. I could do this of course, but I’m not a big fan of sushi in general.
  4. Go rock climbing. I used to climb trees when I was young, but I’ve never climbed something steep enough to require climbing equipment.
  5. Go skiing. I have never been snow skiing. It might be fun, provided I can do it without breaking any bones, which I’ve heard happens to people a lot.
  6. Go on a cruise. I’ve never been on a cruise ship. I’ve heard it’s fun. I have thought about it a couple of time, but just haven’t made any arrangements.

What could you try? Have you done any of these things? What things would you never try? Let us know in the comments, and please like, share, and subscribe!

Are you a dog or cat person?

What am I, a dog or cat person? For some reason, there’s a difference between people who like dogs and people who like cats. I have had both and they both have pros and cons. I really wouldn’t want to pick one over the other, they both make awesome pets, but I would probably lean toward a dog if put on the spot. Cat’s and dogs definitely have different personalities and needs.

To me, cats can be very cute and cuddly, especially when they are kittens, but their claws can be quite painful. They also seem very independent compared to dogs, and kind of like to be left alone sometimes, but they will find creative ways to make you pet them. They also seem very curious about moving objects, and will chase them around the house.

Dogs, to me, are much more friendly, but seem a little more emotionally needy. They also seem sort of submissive, compared to cats. I think this make them excellent socially. I’d say a dog is less likely to hurt you in general, but they could be more dangerous if they did. If a cat was as big as an average dog, let’s say a German Shepherd, I’m not sure I would want to be in the same room with them. The cat’s small size makes them relatively harmless. I also think a dog’s love more closely resembles that of a human, which is probably why they are considered man’s best friend.

I grew up in a small rural town, so I had an opportunity to be around other types of animals. I actually had a goat as a pet on a couple of occasions, and they make wonderful pets! They love to play and will butt you with their head when you aren’t looking. For a boy, this was great fun though. I’ve also had birds, fish, hermit crabs, guinea pigs, rabbits, turtles, and once even a ferret. There might be something I’m forgetting. I do know I’ve never had anything really exotic, like a reptile, snake, or big spider, but I’d honestly rather not.

In case you wanted to know, I don’t currently have any pets right now, but I have considered getting one at some point in the future. I’m still fairly new to city life, so I’m not sure how that will work with a pet. I’m used to having an actual backyard. This seems very cramped for animals, but a lot of people here do it. I’d also have to figure in a lot more time to do things like take them on walks, etc. We’ll see how it goes.

What pets have you had? Do you have one now? Are you a cat or dog person? Let me know in the comments. I can’t wait to hear! Also, don’t forget to like, subscribe, follow, and share!