Think about it.

Thinking is actually hard to do, so much so that a lot of people avoid it. Instead of thinking, they use their learning to short circuit the need to use their thinking mind. This works great for a lot of things, but it does get in the way when you really need to think about something.

It is also the leading reason why people get into a rut. They have already learned something, so they don’t need to think about it anymore, or they have been trained to think in a certain way at an early age, and don’t recognize that they never really considered another viewpoint. This usually causes considerable confusion when the person runs into someone who was taught something totally different.

My challenge to you is the next time someone tells you something, fully investigate and think about what they are telling you. Often what people really want is for you to think like them. If everyone thinks like them, then they won’t have to change their thinking. Things will just stay the way they always were. See how this is problem? Laziness in thinking can create a very stagnant society. Also, every now and then, try and rethink something you already thought you knew. It might surprise you. You might end up with a completely different opinion.

Here’s an interesting YouTube video I found on how we can get stuck in our learning.

Do you think memory and learning short circuit thinking? Is relearning good for society? What ideas do you think society takes for granted that might not actually be true? What ideas are holding us back? Is there sometimes a good reason to keep an untruth going? Think about it, and let me know in the comments, and don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe!

The Log Ride at Six Flags.

Growing up, I didn’t really go on vacations. I suppose it was partly because of the expense, or maybe my dad couldn’t easily get away from work. My family was poor, but not what I would call poverty stricken. There was always plenty of food, a roof over my head, clothes to wear, and toys to play with, but there wasn’t anything really extravagant. This really didn’t bother me too much because it was a good family in terms of care and love. It’s also hard to miss something you never had.

Another reason for the lack of vacations was probably because we lived with my grandparents. My mom stayed around the house and took care of her parents, but they really didn’t need a lot of care until their health declined dramatically. They were also very contributory. My grandmother did have a major fear of being left alone though. She was also afraid that something might happen to us if we ventured too far away. She was a chronic worrier and a very overprotective person, and we were all she had.

For these reasons, most of my vacations were at home, but I remember there was this one summer when my dad actually took us on a vacation. My dad’s sister lived in a town far away and it was fairly close to a rather large amusement park called Six Flags. I was very young, but I remember going on this trip. It was a very long ride, and as I recall, it was in my dad’s pickup truck.

We eventually arrived and met up with his sister and her husband. They had a couple of kids who were about my age, but I rarely ever saw them. They lived too far away and didn’t visit much. Once together, we rode many rides, mostly kiddy rides for me since I was too small, but it made a lot of pleasant memories.

One ride I remember in particular was the Log Ride. I think the ride was based on the work of loggers. When loggers used to cut down trees, they needed a way of transporting them to a sawmill. They built something called log flumes as a way of transporting them. This ride was basically a bunch of log shaped seating pods on a manmade canal. It wasn’t a terrifying ride, like a rollercoaster, but it did manage to get you soaked on a hot summer day in Texas. It was my favorite! I loved it!

Log Ride at Six Flags

I’ve had a few vacations in my adult years, but I believe this was the most memorable one. It was the first and last vacation trip I ever went on with my dad. These memories are even more special to me now, since both my dad and his sister are not with us anymore.

Someone did a POV of a similar ride at Six Flags Over Georgia. Enjoy the ride!

Log Jamboree at Six Flags Over Georgia

What are your most memorable vacation stories? Let me know in the comments, and please remember to like, subscribe, and share!