Think about it.

Thinking is actually hard to do, so much so that a lot of people avoid it. Instead of thinking, they use their learning to short circuit the need to use their thinking mind. This works great for a lot of things, but it does get in the way when you really need to think about something.

It is also the leading reason why people get into a rut. They have already learned something, so they don’t need to think about it anymore, or they have been trained to think in a certain way at an early age, and don’t recognize that they never really considered another viewpoint. This usually causes considerable confusion when the person runs into someone who was taught something totally different.

My challenge to you is the next time someone tells you something, fully investigate and think about what they are telling you. Often what people really want is for you to think like them. If everyone thinks like them, then they won’t have to change their thinking. Things will just stay the way they always were. See how this is problem? Laziness in thinking can create a very stagnant society. Also, every now and then, try and rethink something you already thought you knew. It might surprise you. You might end up with a completely different opinion.

Here’s an interesting YouTube video I found on how we can get stuck in our learning.

Do you think memory and learning short circuit thinking? Is relearning good for society? What ideas do you think society takes for granted that might not actually be true? What ideas are holding us back? Is there sometimes a good reason to keep an untruth going? Think about it, and let me know in the comments, and don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe!

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I see myself as a free thinker, life explorer, and wisdom collector. Some of my favorite subjects are psychology, philosophy, relationships, society, reading, writing, technology, and lifestyle. My goal in life is to connect with people, make the world a little better, and improve the lives of those I meet along the way.

12 thoughts on “Think about it.”

  1. Unfortunately I think you are right and a tremendous number of people speak without ever thinking about the subject they’re talking about. Personally I think they should bring debating skills back in to education and start to teach children how to research and consider lots of different ideas and opinions.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I can’t speak about high society and the things they fought so hard to teach us. It seems like all we know these days is to complain and accuse, people that do wrong, politicians etc. That boat sailed a long time ago. 😅

    But relationship wise, that’s a different story. Did you notice how we test a new person when it comes into our lives and after he/ she proved to us we move into autopilot, based on our self-made beliefs?

    And then, when they do us wrong and feel betrayed and sad. Maybe the equation wasn’t right from the beginning and despite all the variables, they were meant to make mistakes.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Great points, Katherine! I know what you are saying. Autopilot is a good way of describing it. We just stop thinking about it and it sneaks up on us. Good morning, and thanks for sharing your thoughts!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi Ken, morning! Or should I say happy afternoon? 😅

        Yeah, we’re complex in our lives and it’s important to stop and consider the things that keep running in the background.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I know that (most) people around me have decided what they believe and don’t want to re-examine. Closed minds are the bane of our society.
    However, I also recognise my own fixed thinking in many areas (now I am retired and have time to think about such things). Only us oldies call it wisdom! It’s worth remembering that things change… even nature, given the impetus.

    Liked by 2 people

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