Blogging Getting to $2,000 a Month in 90 Days.

Blogging Getting to $2,000 a Month in 90 Days

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Isaac Kronenberg does it again with another fabulous blogging book that goes above and beyond anything else out there!

This latest book by Kronenberg is the most advanced blogging book on the market, teaching nothing but the most effective blogging monetization strategies that exist to get your blog from zero to $2000 a month in 90 days.

Everything in this book is based on real strategies currently used by top-earning bloggers. Whether you’re new to blogging or an advanced blogger, if there was some magic pill that could take you from nothing to earning a full-time income from a blog, then this book is the closest thing in existence to that magic pill.

If you’re serious about earning an income blogging, then this book will be the best book which you’ve ever heard on the subject.

This one is free if you have Kindle Unlimited.

It is also available as an audio book from Audible.

I just finished this blogging book written by Isaac Kronenberg. It was a pretty short book and the methodology seemed more practical than the last one. The claim is that you can get to $2,000 in 90 days if you follow his exact method. His advice focuses on starting a review blog for a niche market with other suggestions thrown in to help build traffic. Maybe it could work. Now all I need is a niche market.

He also had a chapter on what he called the dark side of blogging. He made it sound very foreboding, but I don’t know exactly what he was talking about. I really didn’t expect that a blogging book would need an ethics chapter, but maybe there’s a lot of misuse out there. He mentioned that one of his students went astray like that, and it changed him, but I’m not sure what he meant. It felt like a scene out of Star Wars or something. Do you think there’s a dark side?

He mentioned that you have a lot of power in your hands and that it could be used for bad purposes. He also noted that the people reading your blog have real lives and they could be influenced in ways that might not be positive for them or society as a whole. I do think that’s a true statement about writing in general, but I also think that most people have a good enough head on their shoulders to not be easily misled.

Our whole culture seems to be based on written words handed down through countless generations. How does it feel to be adding to that every time you make a post? Don’t you feel important now? Writers are awesome!

If you have read this one already, or do so in the future, please let me know what you think in the comments!