The last thing I searched for online.

Looking back at the web history in my browser, it looks like the last thing I searched for was day in the sun. I was searching for that phrase because it was related to previous post called Having your day in the sun. I knew there was some sort of idiom about a day in the sun, but I wanted to know the precise meaning. I found an article at the top of the search results that explained it very well. You can read about it for yourself on the page Day in the sun meaning.

The idiom fit well with the post I was writing because it was about a homeless man laying out under the hot sun. The idiom actually means you get attention and are appreciated. This also fits, because the post is about noticing and appreciating the connection we have with other people. I think it’s the perfect title for the article actually. I love it when things connect in multiple ways like that. It makes it much more memorable to me.

What’s your latest day in the sun? Do you like idioms? Do you like double meanings like that? Do you do a lot of web searches while writing? Let us know in the comments, and don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe!