Wish I could do more

Today’s prompt is what do I wish I could do more of every day? I think about this a lot. It sometimes feels like I am using all my time and energy up on things that just pay the bills. I suspect that’s true for most people, but I find it sad. Maybe it’s selfish, but I feel like it’s my life, and most of my time should be spent on self improvement and life enjoyment. When I do get a few days off, which is usually only during Spring Break, I thoroughly love it, and wish it would never end. Below are a few things I would like to do every day.

  1. Contemplation. I like to think about things. Sometimes I talk about those things to God in prayer. It helps me to make sense of life. I feel like this is the only way to give life any meaning. I guess this is what Socrates meant when he said “the unexamined life is not worth living.”
  2. Conversation. I like to talk to likeminded friends and sometimes even strangers. This helps me to understand everyone better. A good conversation can be very satisfying and sometimes even enlightening.
  3. Observation. I like to see and experience new things. This can include a variety of things, such as travel, art, music, food, nature, etc. Experiencing beauty makes me happy. It would also include people watching, which is always entertaining.
  4. Stories. The idea of having so much free time that I could just sit and read a book for as long as I wanted sounds pretty good to me. This would also include audiobooks, and movies. I especially like stories that make you consider something new.
  5. Writing. I like writing, which includes writing stories of my own or blogging. Good writing seems to be one of the longest lasting mediums for human creativity. Writing has survived for thousands of years and will continue to serve countless generations.
  6. Learning. I like to learn new things. Not all of the books I read are stories, many are non-fiction. I’ve read plenty of books over self-help, psychology, health, management, religion, finance, etc.
  7. Affection. Not going to lie, I would love to have more time for affection and romance. It’s hard to find the right person of course. There is nothing quite like the feeling of being in love, and having the time to spend with this special person.

What would you like to do more of every day? Do you feel like you don’t have enough time for yourself? Is there something you would add to the list? Let me know in the comments, and don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe!

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I see myself as a free thinker, life explorer, and wisdom collector. Some of my favorite subjects are psychology, philosophy, relationships, society, reading, writing, technology, and lifestyle. My goal in life is to connect with people, make the world a little better, and improve the lives of those I meet along the way.

11 thoughts on “Wish I could do more”

  1. i appreciate your thoughtful reply to this prompt. i’m constantly besieged by the details of modern life and i often wonder if there is a way to simplify *my* life in order to do
    more of those things on your list.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hmmm, is it me or the article wasn’t so close to your heart? Might just be me. 😅

    I’m tired of working, Ken. Not sure if you feel the same. I was talking with one of my colleagues and she said that she was missing a vacation, and I agreed so badly.

    Work, chores and daily activities take our passion and sometimes drain us. Maybe it’s time for a vacation, not something big, but something that could help us get back in the now. And do what we love, the items on your list, just to name a few, do some other things also. Spend time in nature, be at peace. 🌱☘️

    Have a great rest of your week, Ken! 🤗

    Liked by 6 people

    1. It’s uncanny how well you know me, Katherine. Lol!

      I feel you on those things. I think we all need a vacation.

      You have a great rest of your week too! 🤗

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s so true. I often think, well I didn’t expect you to make that move, Ken! Lol! Ourselves might be the hardest to understand.

        I’ll see if I can do sometime interesting. You have a great weekend too! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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