My favorite subject in school.

When I was very young, I spent a lot of my time using my hands. As a result, I grew very dexterous, which allowed me to develop a proficiency with arts and crafts. I’m not sure if being good at something makes you like it, or if liking something causes you to practice it until you become good. Either way, I grew to like arts and crafts very much, and ended up being one of the better artists at my grade school. For this reason, I would say art was my favorite subject back then.

It might be a little odd, but I also liked science about as much as art. Some people don’t think they go together, but I felt like they worked together pretty well. Science satisfied my curiosity and helped me understand the materials around me, and that knowledge could then be applied to create things artistically. I believe these two subjects are extremely synergistic.

Honestly though, what I liked most about science was chemistry, because as a kid I thought chemical reactions were fascinating. Unfortunately, those experiments sometimes got me in trouble. I would say I might have been a little on the dangerous side growing up. I knew how to make all sorts of things that kids shouldn’t know how to create, since I spent half my time reading encyclopedias. I’ll leave my experiments to your imagination for the time being.

Another science related subject that I liked was electricity and electronics. As a result, I was always wiring things together to make them light up or transmit signals. I created working telegraphs, telephones, and radios out of spare parts. I also loved taking toys and electronics apart to see how they worked. This interest gradually led me to computer hardware and software programming, which eventually turned into a career.

What was your favorite subject in school? Are you an artist? Do you like science? Did you ever have a chemistry set or electronics set? Can you program computers? Let me know in the comments, and please remember to like, share, and subscribe!