New Expresso Machine

I recently bought a new expresso machine for the house, and it just arrived. I tried it out for the first time today, and I’m very pleased with it! It makes perfect expresso shots for my morning lattes. The milk frother steam wand also works flawlessly, and you can use it to get hot water too. It also has a large tank on the back that I can fill with purified water from my new reverse osmosis water filter. A full tank will give me lots of expresso shots before I have to refill. I’m very impressed with it, and it looks great too! I give it five stars! What would I do without coffee? Probably be very unhappy.

Photo of my new expresso maker

Have you ever used an expresso machine before? Do you love lattes as much as I do? Tell me what you think about it in the comments, and don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe?