My morning routine.

The alarm goes off, I hit snooze a full three times. I’d hit it more but after three my alarm clock just resets itself, so it won’t go off again. I hate that, but I’d just keep hitting it until 10:00 am if it kept letting me. Yea, I admit it. I am not an early riser. I can set up all night long pretty easily, but I hate the morning. I really need a job on the night shift, but the kind of work I do is largely day shift.

After I get up, I make coffee. That’s the first thing I do. I’m not quite alive without my first cup of coffee. I think I’m in this weird quantum state only partially existing in this universe, blipping on and off with brief moments of wakefulness that eventually become continuous enough to allow me to fully materialize.

Gotta get this day done so I can come home.

Sometimes I say little things in my head to motive me to actually get out of bed. It’s an odd trait maybe. I’m not sure if I asked anyone else if they do it, and I’ve been doing it so long I forget that I do it. On the good days, I probably say something like, gotta get this day done so I can come home, or gotta get a move on or I’ll be late. On a bad morning, I might say something a lot grumpier with a few expletives. As noted, I don’t fully exist before coffee, so what I say doesn’t count.

My coffee comes from a small expresso machine I have in the kitchen. Sometimes I actually make lattes with it, but in the morning, I just fill that little portafilter to the top and make expresso shots. I’m not sure how many shots that makes. I just try to max it out. That’s the only way I will get to full materialization. I mean, you don’t want to try driving when you are not fully in this universe.

There’s some degree of multitasking going on as I wait for the expresso machine to spue out its life juice. I start taking the vitamins and supplements that I take every morning. There’s a lot I must admit. I was always a vitamin taker, but over the years I added this thing or that for various claims. Some I think work pretty well, but others I’m taking might be snake oil. They have become a habit though, and habits don’t always get scrutinized, at least not daily. There would be no gain from making them a habit if you had to think about it, since a habit is teaching your brain to do repetitive things, so you don’t have to think about it. I think I repeated myself there, maybe I need more coffee.

After coffee and pills, I go to the bathroom and get everything ready for my shower, but don’t quite get in yet. The caffeine takes a little bit to kick in and I have the morning sort of timed out to account for this. After I lay out my towel, etc., I actually go back to bed for a few minutes. I have an alarm set on my phone for this one, and I can’t hit snooze. I might get a whole 15 minutes, but it depends on how long it took me to get the morning tasks done. If I get sidetracked by looking at my phone, I will lose precious moments of sleep. Those 15 minutes feel heavenly some days.

I think I hold some sort of record probably, like maybe ten solid years of being late.

After the alarm goes off on my phone, I’m in kind of a rush to shower, dress, comb my hair, brush my teeth, put on deodorant, and make the short drive to work about 15 minutes away. The coffee is finally pumping through my veins by this time, so it goes a little faster. I’m usually there about time, but honestly, I’m a little late most days. I think I hold some sort of record probably, like maybe ten solid years of being late. I’m probably exaggerating. Lots of people are late though, and many of them get to work from home and take vacation, and I’m there every day and basically on call 24/7 through my smart phone.

Are you a morning person or do you need coffee to get you going? Do you prefer to go to bed early or stay up late? Do you find sleep as blissful as I do? Do you have motivational phrases you say to yourself?