My Good Friday Girl

Today’s question is which aspects do you think makes a person unique? This is odd timing on this prompt, since I just finished telling someone they are unique. I’m sure she will read that when she wakes up later. Also, since last Friday was Good Friday, I feel like it’s a perfect time to tell you this odd story about uniqueness.

A few years ago, I was in my tea phase. I drank coffee in the morning, but tea most of the day. Today, I think I drink coffee most of the day, and feel a whole lot better about that. Anyway, during my tea phase, I made hot tea of course, lots of white tea, green tea, and quite a variety of others, but I also drank lots of black tea, like the kind you get in restaurants and drive thru fast-food places.

One such fast-food place was my favorite for tea. I used to go through multiple times a day and get one of those really large teas, unsweetened of course, with lite ice. After the purchase, I would take long drives though the scenic countryside just sipping my tea. It was very relaxing. During this time, I became very familiar with many of the drive thru attendants of the restaurant of course.

There was this girl who worked there. She had long dark hair and had brought my tea out on multiple occasions. I never really talked to her very much, but I recognized her on sight. Then something very peculiar happened. I was in the line as usual, and she walked by the car, causing me to look up at her, only I didn’t recognize her at all. On my first take, I thought they must have hired a new girl.

As she went by, she also looked at me and suddenly had this startled look on her face, and then she just started giggling loudly. She then said, oh, it’s you! I smiled and said, of course it’s me, but I have to ask, why are you laughing? She said, I just noticed it was you, but I didn’t recognize you for some reason. She was clearly having the same experience that I was having. It didn’t creep her out though. She seemed sort of happy about it.

I then said, I know this is weird, but I had the same exact experience when I saw you. I know you are the same girl, but you don’t look at all like the same girl. You are similar, but it’s like I’m looking at a completely different person. She then said, yea, it’s just like that when I look at you, so weird. We both laughed about it, and it’s like we instantly bonded in that moment.

As I was driving through the country that day, sipping my tea, I just couldn’t get this girl out of my head. How could something like that happen? It made me feel like I had entered the twilight zone or something. Did both of us slip out of a parallel universe or something? Then something even more odd occurred to me. I realized what day it was. It happened on Good Friday. Was this some sort of sign or miracle?

Back to today’s question, what does make someone unique? She seemed like a very unique person before, but then she transformed into an entirely new person who was unique in a different way. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but it was like a different soul was inhabiting her body. It made me think, what truly makes us unique? Is it our body or something else? Are we truly the same person we were yesterday? What actually makes us who we are?

You will never find the same person twice, not even in the same person.

After that fateful day, I started talking to her more, found out all about her life, even became friends with her on social media. It’s all in the past now, but I still like her a lot. She is one of the sweetest people I have ever met. After that day, I will always think of her as my Good Friday girl.

Have you ever experienced a time when someone seemed to become a totally different person? What actually makes us unique? Have you ever experienced odd happenings on holy days? Let me know in the comments, and don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe!