Alternative career paths I have considered.

There was one career path I really considered at one point. It was that of entrepreneur. Basically, I wanted to start my own software company. It is actually one of the reasons I currently have an MBA. I have seen countless software companies pop up over the years, and they just keep coming, many rising to incredible levels of income. It sometimes seems like software is the only thing companies actually do these days.

I did manage to actually create a private corporation for the purpose of launching the company, but it eventually became all too clear that I wasn’t going to be able to turn it into a lucrative business. The lesson I learned the hard way was that you have to focus on the product first and foremost. No product, no sales, no business. It was, however, an excellent learning opportunity for me, because I now know exactly how to set up and run a C corporation in my state without any help from a lawyer.

I basically spent so much time preparing for this career that I didn’t have any left to spend on developing amazing software products. In my defense, I did have a pretty full schedule with all the life things going on, plus a fulltime job and grad school, so it’s really no wonder that it didn’t take off as planned. I did manage to learn enough about business to realize that it’s really the leadership part that I like the most, and definitely not the accounting and taxes.

What’s an alternative career path that you considered? Did you ever dream of starting your own company? What’s your idea of a dream career? Do you have a business background? Do you like doing accounting and taxes? Let us know in the comments, and please remember to like, share, and subscribe!